Monday, November 29, 2010

Renewal Ohio Drivers License

Ancora biscotti, stavolta decorati!!

Buon inizio settimana cari amici! Qui piove e fa freddo e per riscaldarci ci aiutiamo accendendo il forno e... mangiando!!
Il lavoro è tanto, ma, tra una torta e l'altra, riesco a ritagliarmi uno spazietto per le prove dei biscotti per Natale! Giusto per non farmi mancare nulla!!
Indovinate da dove viene questa ricettina?? Oh yes, once again from the blog of Sara namely by here.
I invite you to try them, I am very sensitive:)

Makes about 40 cookies

olive oil 2 oranges: the same weight of the juice of two oranges (I used seed oil)
sugar: the same weight of the juice of two oranges
about 400 grams of flour (it is likely that there need a little bit more) 2 egg

10 grams of yeast sweet

Grate the peel half an orange, then squeeze both oranges.
Weigh the juice and mix with olive oil, 2 egg yolks, zest, sugar and yeast, then add 300 grams of flour, stir, and gradually add more flour until the dough the consistency of a pastry.
Form a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for half an hour.
Matarelli Spread the dough to 2-3 mm, and cut out cookies with the scroll wheel or with cookie cutters and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Cook at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

* to crop, I used these simpaticissime Guardini of molds, essential for the Christmas cookies!!

These are decorated ... I'm not beautiful, but I tried ^ _ ^

scappooooooooo now, but I hope I can pass you by again later!!
Kisses kisses to everyone!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Flight Simulator Cl605

"THE POINT GD" in the public library in Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) Reviewed on GD

Presentation of "THE POINT GD" in the public library in Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)

part of the "Friday Author of "organized by" Botta & Answer ",

Friday, December 10th at 8:45 p.m. at the Public Library of San'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (Verona), I will present my book" The Place GD "

final tasting of wines and cheeses offered by the sponsors of manifesaztione!

Lobby, of course, free!

For information, constantly updated, and a short interview of my presentation of the evening, you can also consult the blog:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Charlotte, Ncbrazilian Wax

Biscotti nutellati

Good evening friends, how are you? I continue my life as chaotic and mi piace complicarmela sempre più, come se avessi tanto tempo a disposizione, sto cominciando a fare le prove per i biscotti di Natale!!
Quelli dello scorso anno hanno avuto un successo strepitoso, ne avrò fatti circa 30 kg... tutti regalati!!
E quest'anno si fa il bis, ma credo che i kg diventeranno 50!!!!!!!!!!
E visto che non posso regalarli a tutti voi, vi regalo le ricette "giuste", quelle che vi faranno impazzire e con le quali sarete sicuri di non sbagliare :)
La maga-blogger dei biscotti, per me, è senza dubbio la dolce Sara dalla quale ho preso questa ricetta, che farà felice i piccoli, ma ancor di più i grandi!!


125 gr farina
2 uova
80 gr burro fuso freddo
50 gr cacao amaro
75 gr nutella
1 cucchiaino lievito
50 gr zucchero

Sbattere le uova con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro.
Unire il burro, la farina, la nutella e il cacao; infine, aggiungere il lievito.
Ne risulterà un composto un pò "colloso".
Tenere in frigo per 20'.
Formare le palline e rimetterle in frigo per 10'.
Cuocere a 180° per 10'.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Flight Simulator Cl 605


Another great review of "THE POINT GD", signed by Pasquale stage, the number 35, November 2010, the magazine of art and culture TEMBLUEART.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quotation Fishsticks South Park

Full Metal Jacket (Stanley Kubrick, 1987, USA)

What war? E 'state of mind rather than the inner or outer mere horror of war that we are in the world? The war is right? is it necessary?
These are all questions that are answered in this film, one of my favorite Kubrick. It is said that the greatness of this film is also in having make films very different genres, but I think this has reached the pinnacle of his talent.
Perhaps because the war is horror, just as in another genre, in which the severed heads abound (in one of the scenes, the soldiers were playing football with heads Viet Cong), "Apocalypse Now", and every man who comes into contact ends when the wait spasmodically return home.
The film consists of two parts, training and war. While the second takes the most time filmed, resulting in sometimes very slow, the first is more interesting because of the presence of a real drill sergeant of Marines, Ronald Lee Erney, and the events that bind him to soldier Gomer Pyle (Vincent D'Onofrio), who loses under pressure from the head and kills him, committed suicide soon after.
The protagonist is a soldier instead Joker (Matthew Modine), but it is only a means to talk about sensitivity and the duality of the human soul, despite one of his greatest performances.
Score: 10.

Friday, November 12, 2010

South Park Streaming 508 English

The St. Martin of a moviegoer

We here in Salento is a tradition that is not exactly religious, although you may think at first glance: we celebrate St. Martin. In one of the lands in Italy based its economy on wine production, the question is easy to understand.
Only in reality, St. Martin is another. It 'an excuse to drink. So much so that my country is said that in ancient times, the procession with the statue of the saint was followed by a procession of drunks.
And I being a woman of the world (I did the military Cuneo), I subtract a similar traditions, I decided to imitate Vanessa Ferlito in "Grindhouse - Death Proof." With a decidedly different result.
E - I swear - I had not even been drinking.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

French Driving License In Uk

random things in the house

random things in the House

zante bit 'too long, but ultimately enjoyable. Do not miss (in memory of yore).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Medusa4 3dplus Ubuntu


A short film of my charming friend Maltese Falcon.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brazilain Wax What It Looks Like

to protect consumers. Agribusiness, Antitrust Investigations into the GDO

TUTELA CONSUMATORI. Agroalimentare, Antitrust avvia indagine sulla GDO

Cari amici, vi segnalo un interressante articolo, del sito
Tanto per ribadire che le cose scritte e segnalate sul mio libro
"Il Punto G.D.", non sono invenzioni dell'autore.
Attendo i vostri commenti.

Gianni Della Cioppa

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ward's Ap Biology Labs Answers

Ecco perchè sono assente dal blog...

Buon sabato sera a tutti!!!!
Approfitto di un attimino di libertà per pubblicare le mie "giustificazioni" :-P
Ecco alcuni dei motivi della mia assenza...

Torta per 25° anniversario di matrimonio

 Torta Stella

 Torta 33° anniversario di matrimonio

 Torta 18 anni

  Torta pacco regalo con fiocco

cake gift bag with rosette

Cake Hello Kitty

Cake meadow with bees and flowers

Princess Cake

Good Sunday to you all !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trachycardia More Condition_symptoms

Remembering Pasolini - What are clouds?