Buon inizio settimana cari amici! Qui piove e fa freddo e per riscaldarci ci aiutiamo accendendo il forno e... mangiando!!
Il lavoro è tanto, ma, tra una torta e l'altra, riesco a ritagliarmi uno spazietto per le prove dei biscotti per Natale! Giusto per non farmi mancare nulla!!
Indovinate da dove viene questa ricettina?? Oh yes, once again from the blog of Sara namely by here.
I invite you to try them, I am very sensitive:)
Makes about 40 cookies
olive oil 2 oranges: the same weight of the juice of two oranges (I used seed oil)
sugar: the same weight of the juice of two oranges
about 400 grams of flour (it is likely that there need a little bit more) 2 egg
10 grams of yeast sweet
Grate the peel half an orange, then squeeze both oranges.
Weigh the juice and mix with olive oil, 2 egg yolks, zest, sugar and yeast, then add 300 grams of flour, stir, and gradually add more flour until the dough the consistency of a pastry.
Form a ball, wrap with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for half an hour.
Matarelli Spread the dough to 2-3 mm, and cut out cookies with the scroll wheel or with cookie cutters and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Cook at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. * to crop, I used these simpaticissime Guardini of molds, essential for the Christmas cookies!!
These are decorated ... I'm not beautiful, but I tried ^ _ ^
scappooooooooo now, but I hope I can pass you by again later!!
Kisses kisses to everyone!