Are there any Allen film that possess the two most noticeable features of his films: the good feelings and irony. Comedies are the ones that come directly from the first and irreverent Allen of "The Dictator of the Free State of Bananas" and go to "I e Annie”, “Crimini e misfatti” e “Hannah e la sue sorelle”. In due di questi ultimi, Allen è apparentemente personaggio marginale, per poi diventare parabola e narrazione di ciò che accade. In “Amore e guerra”, parodia perfettamente riuscita di “Guerra e pace”, invece, come in un altro film molto simile, “Il dormiglione”, Allen ha un ruolo d'assoluto protagonista. Peccato, come al solito, per le traduzioni dei titoli, dato che l'originale è “Love and death”, titolo che riassume al meglio l'essenza di questo film.
Boris, Woody Allen, che tiene per sé lo stesso nome del protagonista di “Basta che funzioni”, loser is the son of the Ancient Regime in Russia and highbrow. Falls in love with his cousin Sonja (Diane Keaton), but, in turn, is in love with his brother Ivan, a sort of breeding bull, who prefers another woman and marries her. Meanwhile, Napoleon invades Austria and Russian sides in the war: Boris tries in every way to escape the battle, as weak and little inclined to this sort of thing, but thanks to a fortuitous event can kill several officers and is even decorated. Once back in St. Petersburg, he met a woman of easy virtue, who falls in love with him, giving him his body, but is challenged by her jealous lover, and that hurts converts to pacifism. Sonja, convinced that Boris would have died in the duel, he promises to marry him, and after a certain period of roses and flowers, the two begin to get along, until Napoleon invaded Russia. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bSonja Mature preparing an attack to the dictator, the two pretend to be noble Spaniards, but he can not kill Napoleon, whose doppelganger is shot by an assassin, but hidden in the room, and Boris blamed. Boris is shot and takes a trip to the death, which has met several times on his way, and returned to find Sonja, in order to finish the film with one of his finest monologues.
Nihilist, sardonic and irreverent, Allen always manages to play with that main theme, which is death, without losing sight of the essence of life, which proves to be the love in all its forms, but especially physical ones.
rating: 9 and a half.
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