La notizia
Molti produttori cinesi per cercare di vincere la repulsione di una parte della clientela, in giro per il mondo, schifata dai loro metodi inquinanti e di sfruttamento minorile e non, hanno modificato le loro etichette: non più "Made in China", ma "Made in P.R.C.". Un modo per aggirare l'ostacolo, create confusion and hope that some fool in most helmets in their traps.
A Brief History
Twenty years ago I was responsible for the discharge of a sewage treatment plant of a chemical company. We took a fine of several million pounds worth of old table out of 0.03 of an item, with a maximum allowed limit of 1.2. The owner told me "Beautiful figure has taken us." I would add that in three years received 18 visits to the surprise of the municipality in which the chemical factory and that only at that value, the approximately 20 tested for each analysis was not standard. Today, any control in any Chinese company, including major brands, would lead to values \u200b\u200boutside standards defined by experts from nuclear catastrophe. So much so that recently a survey on the land, rivers and the atmosphere in the field has established that "China now is a dump outside." As a customer I always fight my fight. You choose accordingly.
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